Gina Joy Carano is a former mixed martial artist, actress and a fitness model. Her name was chosen as the "face of women's MMA after beginning her career in Muay Thai. She holds an amazing Muay Thai performance record, with 12 wins and one loss. She also has one draw. It is the first American woman to take home an award at the national level in Thailand in Muay Thai. When she was a kid she was a star in gymnastics and jazz tap ballet. She also excelled in horseback riding and basketball. Jiujitsu is a different skill she possess. The result is seven wins and one loss in her MMA. She became a big MMA celebrity because of her strength and ring techniques along with her relaxed style and gorgeous looks. She's been an actress in Hollywood blockbusters like Haywire, Fast & Furious 6' and other Hollywood hit films. A lot of critics have said that she was relying on her sexual appeal in order to advance her career. Fans continued to show her their affection despite the brutal critiques. A lot of people are inspired by her character, talent and determination.

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